Barnard College
3009 Broadway, New York, NY
Barnard College
3009 Broadway, New York, NY
Got a quick question?
Need to talk to a dean ASAP?
If you have something complicated or want to be sure you can talk at length, please make an appointment via Dean Grabiner's online scheduler.
Otherwise, during the semester, you may walk in virtually or in person at any of the times below.
Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm Eastern Time
Wednesdays: Degree Audit Drop-Ins 4-5pm Eastern Time
Thursdays 3-4pm Eastern Time
Q: I heard it's possible for students to get permission from their adviser to take more than 19 credits. Is that true, and if so, how/when can I get permission?
A: Yes, in rare cases, and only once the semester has begun. You may request adviser permission* for more than 19 credits only during the final registration period (Jan 21-31for spring 2025), using this online form.
NOTE: Approval after the registration deadline is by petition only.
*Please note that these requests will only be granted for urgent reasons, such as completion of a major, a minor, or for graduation requirements.
Q: What if I get in off a waitlist that puts me over the limit?
A: If you are removed from a waitlist and temporarily find yourself in more than 19 credits, you will need to drop the "extra" class or receive approval to exceed the limit
Warning: if you neither request permission nor drop below 19 credits, the registrar will drop you from the most recently added class.
Is it true that you can take fewer that 12 credits in your last semester?
YES; this is FACT, BUT ONLY IN VERY SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES and by following proper procedure.
"As of Spring 2022, in their final semester of enrollment, graduating seniors who need fewer than twelve credits to complete their degree – and who have already completed at least four full-time semesters in academic residence – may be approved to take a minimum of nine credit hours. Because Barnard students are charged a flat rate of tuition per semester, reducing one’s course load to nine credits will not change the tuition owed in the student’s last semester."
Submit this form by the drop deadline to request approval **Note that this request can only be made at the start of your final semester, for that semester**: https://slate.barnard.edu/register/final_semester_request
International students
must consult with International Student Services in advance to determine
eligibility. Students who meet this criteria and are approved to be
enrolled in nine credits are still eligible to live in Barnard’s
residence halls.
If any student who is not an eligible senior needs to register for fewer than twelve credits for disability-related reasons, they may reach out to CARDS to discuss the reduced course load process at cards@barnard.edu.
Deferred exams for Fall 2024 classes
Deferred exams from Fall 2024 will be held on Friday, January 24th & Monday, January 27, 2025. The Registrar's Office will be in touch with you to confirm the location & room details regarding your exam details the week before exams.
Friday, January 24 9:00AM – 12:00PM - James Room (Barnard Hall)
Friday, January 24 1:00PM – 4:00PM - James Room (Barnard Hall)
Monday, January 27 9:00AM – 12:00PM - Event Oval in the Diana Center
Monday, January 27 :00PM – 4:00 PM - Event Oval in the Diana Center
For most in-person deferred exams, the College follows a self-scheduled exam model. You will be contacted directly if your exam has a specific day and time. Otherwise, this model, followed by a number of peer institutions, allows students to select when to take their exams from among a number of blocked exam time periods.
Fall 2024 deferred exams must be completed by Monday, January 27, 2025.
Doing that degree-audit arithmetic and need one or two more credits?
If you're having trouble getting up to the number of credits you need and are looking for a 1-2-credit course to add, here are some options and tips.
**Be sure to check course descriptions for special registration procedures or necessary permissions.
Know of something that's not on here? Email SeniorClassDean@barnard.edu, and we'll add it!
1-2 credit course options:
Need help with a time-sensitive issue affecting your ability to take finals, complete coursework, etc.?
We hope you won't become ill or have an emergency during finals, but in case you do, the information in the email below will help. Plus bonus tips and resources to help you prepare and study!
Barnard College offers three degree conferral dates each calendar year in line with the degree conferral dates set by Columbia University. These dates are: February, for students who completed all degree requirements by December of the previous calendar year; May, for students who completed all degree requirements during the Spring semester of the current calendar year; and October for students who completed all degree requirements during the summer of the current year.
Although there are three degree conferral dates each year, only one University Commencement ceremony is held annually, typically at the culmination of the Spring semester. Additionally, Barnard holds a separate Commencement ceremony – also at the culmination of the Spring semester – at which individual graduates are recognized.
All degree candidates are invited to participate in the Commencement ceremonies at both Barnard and Columbia according to the eligibility below:
The name of a student will appear in only one year's Commencement Program. If students opt to participate in Commencement before their academic program is complete, they may not participate in any future year's Commencement exercises. There will be no exceptions to this policy.