Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Need an extra credit or two this spring? Here are a few options

Doing that degree-audit arithmetic and need one or two more credits?

If you're having trouble getting up to the number of credits you need and are looking for a 1-2-credit course to add, here are some options and tips. 

**Be sure to check course descriptions for special registration procedures or necessary permissions.

Know of something that's not on here? Email, and we'll add it!

1-2 credit course options:

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Need to talk to a class dean during Finals? Stop by 105 Milbank (or zoom if needed) any time 9am-5pm, Dec 13 & 16-20 for Class-Dean Drop-ins

Need help with a time-sensitive issue affecting your ability to take finals, complete coursework, etc.?

  • Never fear; your class deans are here!
  • There will be a dean available for drop-ins every day of finals week, 9am - 5pm. 
  • Come see us in 105 Milbank
  • Feeling under the weather? Come to our zoom instead!

Monday, December 9, 2024


We hope you won't become ill or have an emergency during finals, but in case you do, the information in the email below will help. Plus bonus tips and resources to help you prepare and study!

Barnard College

Dear Students,


As we come to the end of the fall semester, the Deans’ Office for Advising and Support wants to update you about final exam information and academic resources. We also want to remind you what to do if you experience anything that impacts your ability to complete work for your courses and final exams.


One of the most important things to remember if you are experiencing difficulties is to reach out to your instructor and/or Class Dean. Your class dean is available to discuss your specific situation and offer advice and options.


Academic Resources


  Personal Librarians: As you complete your final assignments for this semester, contact Barnard Library’s research and instruction team (Personal Librarians) for any support needed around research-based assignments, including senior projects. Librarians are available for individual consultations about ways to access online research materials and meet citation requirements for your papers and projects. Personal Librarians can assist in finding e-books, full-text articles, and open access sources. 
  Center for Engaged Pedagogy: The CEP has put together helpful guides for time management, active reading strategies, and a resource map that points you to various supports.
  Center for Accessibility Resources & Disability Services (CARDS): Students who are registered with the Barnard Center for Accessibility Resources & Disability Services (CARDS) and have accommodations should be in touch with CARDS as needed to ensure that their accommodations align with end-of-term assignments. If a faculty member has specific questions about how to implement accommodations in their courses, CARDS is available for individual consultation at
  Deans’ Office Walk-in Hours (exam week only): If you have an emergent situation and need to consult with a dean during exam week, stop by 105 Milbank any time from 9:00am-5:00 pm (Friday, December 13th through Friday, December 20th, not including weekend days) to see the available dean on call. If you are feeling ill, please note that we can meet with you over zoom instead. Please contact for the zoom link.




All students and instructors are expected to follow the official exam schedule. If you find yourself scheduled for three exams within a 24-hour period or four within 48 hours, you should fill out this form.


If you have tested positive for COVID-19 and/or have been advised by the College to quarantine and/or isolate when you otherwise would be taking an in-person exam, please be in touch with your Class Dean to discuss possible options. Individual faculty members have discretion to allow or deny requests to take an exam at a time different than originally scheduled. If you need assistance with communicating with an instructor, you may contact your Class Dean.




Students may defer an exam due to illness or personal emergency on the day of the exam. If you need to request a deferral, you must:


a) Email your instructor, copying your class dean, on the day of the exam requesting a deferred exam.


b) You must also submit an official request for a deferred exam in Slate. You will need to upload an approval email from your instructor when you submit the Slate form.


c) Deferred exams will be given on Friday, January 24, 2025 and Monday, January 27, 2025. After submitting the Request for a Deferred Exam form, you will receive a confirmation email. It is your responsibility to check the registrar's website and your Barnard email the previous week for the details of your deferred exam.

Please be aware that deferred exams cannot be requested in advance of exam week. For more information, visit and scroll down to "Final and Deferred Exams." 




If you become ill during an examination:


a) inform the proctor

b) hand in the exam, and

c) call Primary Care Health Services at 212-854-2091 to make an appointment.


If you've completed less than 40 minutes of a two-hour exam or less than one hour of a three-hour exam, you qualify for a deferred exam (see above.) If you leave the exam more than 40 minutes into a two-hour exam or more than an hour into a three-hour exam, you'll be graded on the basis of the work you've completed to that point.




Incompletes are to be given only in cases of illness, personal emergency, or other compelling circumstances. If you need to request an Incomplete, and the instructor is amenable, please be in touch with your faculty member via email to obtain their approval. From there, you will need to submit an Incomplete Request Form in Slate. You will need to upload email confirmation from your instructor when you submit the Slate form. Note that these requests should be received by Thursday, December 12 (the end of Reading Period). 


As a reminder, the official College deadline for completing Fall 2024 Incomplete coursework is Tuesday, April 15, 2025. Individual faculty may also set an earlier deadline for the work to be completed. Please note that incompletes apply only to coursework exclusive of the final examination. For more information, visit and scroll down to "Incomplete Grades."




Final grades are indeed final. Grades may be changed only in cases of clerical error or in the rare event that the instructor needs to reevaluate the work of the entire class. Grades may not be recalculated on the basis of reexamination or the submission of additional or revised work. 




As you write papers or complete exams, whether in a proctored environment or in the comfort of your residence hall or off-campus residence, keep the College's Honor Code ( in mind. Under pressure, it can sometimes be tempting to make a regrettable decision, such as using untrustworthy and undocumented sources, collaborating on an exam, not following proper citation methods on a paper, or claiming someone else's work as your own. Doing something that might violate the Honor Code is NEVER the way to respond to a difficult or pressured academic situation. There's always a better choice. Please also be aware that any misrepresentation of your circumstances in order to obtain an exam deferral or an incomplete is a violation of the Honor Code. An additional word of caution: it is your responsibility as a student to be aware of your professor’s individual stance on the use of generative AI (ex. ChatGPT). If you are not sure about whether the use of generative AI is permitted in a course, you must consult with your instructor for additional guidance before using generative AI. Note that the Honor Code states that students must responsibly use electronic, print and other resources.  




Please be advised that all students should be aware of Barnard’s academic standing policy (please scroll down on this page to “Academic Standing and Degree Progress”) and how incomplete grades, deferred exams and/or withdrawal grades may impact a student’s academic standing. To discuss your academic standing, please contact your Class Dean


We wish you all the best as you complete your work for the semester, and hope you have a restful, restorative winter break.



Holly Tedder

Dean for Academic Planning and Class Advising

Barnard College

3009 Broadway, New York, NY

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Monday, December 2, 2024

Senior FAQ: when will I graduate, when will I get my diploma, and when is my Commencement ceremony?

Many of you are asking about graduation dates and when you will get your diploma.

Some helpful info and clarification of terms:
a.k.a. Degree Conferral
is when you stop being a Barnard student and start being a Barnard graduate or alumna. 


Commencement is the ceremony where students wear gowns, walk across a stage, listen to distinguished speakers, etc. As a Barnard senior, you will be invited to participate in both the Barnard College Commencement and the Columbia University Commencement, as well as many other ceremonial and celebratory events that will take place around that season. Students do not receive diplomas at Commencement -- these will be mailed to you regardless of your graduation date.
With these definitions in mind, here is the latest info on who is eligible to participate in which Commencement ceremony, what your diploma will say, and how to request permission if you are in various categories of exception (this info is also on the Deans Office website, along with a very helpful chart that makes all these dates even clearer):

Barnard College offers three degree conferral dates each calendar year in line with the degree conferral dates set by Columbia University. These dates are: February, for students who completed all degree requirements by December of the previous calendar year; May, for students who completed all degree requirements during the Spring semester of the current calendar year; and October for students who completed all degree requirements during the summer of the current year.

Although there are three degree conferral dates each year, only one University Commencement ceremony is held annually, typically at the culmination of the Spring semester. Additionally, Barnard holds a separate Commencement ceremony –  also at the culmination of the Spring semester – at which individual graduates are recognized.

All degree candidates are invited to participate in the Commencement ceremonies at both Barnard and Columbia according to the eligibility below:

  • Students eligible to participate in the May ceremonies are those whose degrees were conferred in February or will be conferred in May of that same calendar year
  • October Graduates:
    • Students expected to complete degree requirements in the summer of that calendar year and who will be within 2 courses (totaling no more than 8 credits) of completing their degree requirements at the culmination of the Spring semester. While such students may participate in Commencement exercises, the degree will not be conferred until October. Approval for anticipated October graduates to participate in the May ceremony in the same calendar year must be obtained from the Senior Class Dean, and students must have a detailed plan for completion of their remaining credits.
    • In rare circumstances, a student with more than 2 courses (or more than 8 credits) remaining for degree completion at the end of the Spring semester may be approved by the Dean for Academic Planning and Class Advising to participate in the May Commencement ceremonies.
    • Students whose degrees are conferred in October but who did not participate in the Commencement ceremony of that calendar year may request to the Dean of the College to participate during the ceremony the following May.

The name of a student will appear in only one year's Commencement Program. If students opt to participate in Commencement before their academic program is complete, they may not participate in any future year's Commencement exercises. There will be no exceptions to this policy.


Academic Coaching Finals Prep Session drop-ins December 2-6!

Hello Seniors!

If you're feeling stressed for finals, needing help organizing your study plan, or wanting to learn some new study strategies, then academic coaching is the right resource for you! The Deans' Office for Advising and Support will be providing academic coaching drop-in sessions at various times from December 2nd-6th, along with snacks to power through the week! Use this link to RSVP for a day and time to receive a google calendar invite. If you have any questions, feel free to email the program coordinator Allie Johnston at

Monday, November 25, 2024

Barnard Commencement date, time & location announced: Tuesday, May 20, 2025 at 4 p.m. at Radio City Music Hall

You should by now have received the following email from Dean Grinage:

Barnard College

Dear Barnard Class of 2025,

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Barnard College Commencement 2025 will be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2025 at 4 p.m. at Radio City Music Hall in midtown Manhattan.


As students of Barnard College, you are invited to participate in both the Barnard College Commencement and the Columbia University Commencement ceremonies. The Columbia University Commencement will be held the following day, Wednesday, May 21, on Columbia’s Morningside Heights campus. For more information on the Columbia University Commencement, including ticketing and other key details, please visit the Columbia University Commencement website.

Commencement is a milestone event that marks your tremendous achievements. We are working hard to plan a memorable day and are so glad to be able to return to Radio City, a beautiful and iconic venue, for the Barnard ceremony. Each graduating student will receive 4 tickets for guests to Barnard’s Commencement; this is one fewer ticket than was allocated to last year’s graduates due to the larger number of students in this year’s graduating class. We will work to accommodate as many requests for extra tickets as possible through a ticket redistribution program. Students may also share their unused tickets directly with other students who are looking to bring more guests. Tickets will be available in the spring semester and registration will be required for all graduating students and their guests.

As you may know, the Barnard Medal of Distinction, the College’s highest honor, is bestowed upon at least one extraordinary individual every year at Commencement. Honorees are individuals of high distinction whose mark on the world bears some relation to Barnard: as a college dedicated to the education and advancement of women, connected to its location in New York City, and committed to intellectual and creative achievements across the arts and sciences. These medalists also exemplify the best qualities found in our students and alumnae: leadership, resilience, creativity, and excellence. The Medal is equivalent to an honorary degree and has been awarded to a broad and wonderful group of recipients including Billie Jean King, Cecile Richards, Joanne Liu, Toni Morrison, Meryl Streep, and Barack Obama. A list of prior recipients is here for your reference.

Nominations for the 2025 Medalists are now being accepted via this nomination form, which will close December 18, 2024. The nominations will be submitted to the Medalist Committee, and the Medals of Distinction will be conferred at Barnard's Commencement in May 2025.


Additional Commencement details, such as ticketing information, guest accommodations, and information on where to get your cap and gown, will be posted on the Commencement 2025 webpage and communicated via email to graduates as they become available. If you have any additional questions in the months leading up to Commencement, please email


We look forward to celebrating this important achievement with you!



Leslie Grinage

Dean of the College

Vice President for Campus Life and Student Experience

Barnard College

3009 Broadway, New York, NY

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Saturday, November 23, 2024

What to do if you missed Friday's spring registration deadline

If you missed the Nov. 22 deadline to register and receive adviser approval for classes, don't panic.  You are late, but it is not too late to do something about this.

What to do in some common scenarios:

1.  If you have not registered for any classes, please contact and meet with your adviser ASAP to discuss course selection. You'll be able to register when the next registration/add/drop period begins in December

2.  If you are registered but are not in the minimum 12 credits due to waitlists or other issues, we hope you will be admitted from waitlists in the near future.  If you're still not in 12 credits when the next add/drop period begins in December, you may wish to add a "plan B" option then.

3.  If you registered on time but want/need to make changes to your schedule (add, drop, join new waiting lists, etc.), don't worry!  It's not too late at all!  All continuing students without registration holds may add/drop courses during upcoming add/drop periods and during the beginning-of-semester "shopping period."

And it's never too late to upload the Academic Calendar to your gBear Calendar!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Detailed Final Exam schedules now available online


Projected University Examination Schedule

Undergraduate Courses

Graduate Courses

Engineering Courses

Barnard Courses

Please note that procedures listed on the Columbia master schedule DO NOT apply to Barnard students.

For Barnard students: If you have exam conflict (two exams at the same time) or exam hardship (defined as three exams within a 24-hour period or four exams within a 48-hour period), please fill out this form.

Examinations are not rescheduled to accommodate travel plans.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Registration Period Nov. 18-22: meet with adviser and register during your assigned time, beginning on MONDAY 11/18/2024 for seniors

As a reminder, you are encouraged to meet with your adviser sometime before your first assigned registration time Nov 18.  You will soon be able to plan courses, but you will not be able to register until the Nov 18-22registration week.

Haven't met with your adviser yet?  Contact them to set up an appointment.

To register for spring courses starting Nov. 18:

  • Be sure you have met with your adviser, and that you know what to register for so you're on track to graduate!
  • Be sure you have planned (yellow) your preferred Spring courses in Student Planning so they'll be ready to go when your registration time begins.
  • Resolve any holds before registration week, so nothing gets in your way!
  • Log into Student Planning as soon as your first registration time begins on Monday 11/18, and no later than the end of your last registration time on Friday 11/22, and click the blue "REGISTER" button on the upper right.  
  • Unless a course has note informing you of special registration procedures (application, writing sample, audition, must attend first class to confirm, etc.), you will be registered for any course that shows up in green on your schedule.
  • Many courses will initially waitlist all students (e.g. Organic Chemistry I, Bio 1502). If you aren't able to add a class, add yourself to the waiting list and/or select a "plan B" option.
  • NOTEYou must be fully registered (green) for at least 12 credits by the end of this week, or you may be charged late fees.  There will be additional add/drop times in the coming weeks and months, along with the customary final "shopping" period at the beginning of the spring semester.
  • Also note: you can register for no more than 19 credits at this stage; permission for over 19 credits is not possible until the start of the new semester.
Questions?  Meet with your adviser or a dean.  

Senior FAQ: can I take 2 classes that overlap?

Thanks to everyone who suggested we address this important question!

Short answer: NO
Even if a class may be recorded, you my not take two classes that overlap, as the expectation is that students will attend classes in-person and synchronously, as there is no substitute for the learning experience of interacting with faculty and fellow students in person and in real time.

Longer answer: Very occasionally, in very specific circumstances, and by petition only

Okay; how do I petition?
Contact your class dean for information about how to petition the Committee on Programs and Academic Standing to take overlapping classes. Once the semester begins, petitions submitted by Thursday will be considered at the following Thursday's CPAS meeting.

How likely is it that my petition will be approved?
Such petitions are only rarely approved. Petitions with a greater chance of success will include:
  • Both classes are required (major or general education req)
  • Both can only be taken this semester due to compelling reason like impending graduation
  • Both faculty members are aware of the conflict and support the petition
  • Course overlap is minimal, e.g. 10-15 minutes (including travel time!) once a week.
  • You/your instructors have a plan to make up the missing content which is more than just watching a recording.
What should I do while I'm waiting to know if my petition is approved?
  • Add a "Plan B" course to keep your options open
  • If you're currently registered for both conflicting classes, stay in them. If your petition is not approved, you will ultimately need to drop one. If you don't drop one, the registrar will drop whichever was most recently added.
  • If you're not registered for both classes, the system will not let you register for conflicting courses, though you may plan or waitlist for a course that conflicts with a registered course. We recommend that you strategically register for whichever course is more important and/or more likely to fill up if you wait.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

REPOST: *SEARCHABLE* list of all classes approved for Foundations General Education Reqs

Looking for a way to check if a current, future, or past class has been approved for a particular Foundations General Education Requirement? 

Reminder that the old "Snowbird" site has been replaced by a new page with a very useful search function!


Search by semester and requirement:








Or by course name or keyword:

Post-election events and resources for support on campus


All Barnard community members are invited to join the Post-Election Community Forum on Wednesday, November 6, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Diana Event Oval.  This is an opportunity for all Barnard students, faculty, and staff to come together during a critical moment to discuss the status and possible impacts of the election.  

In addition, the Athena Center is hosting election-focused programming on Thursday, November 7, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and on Friday, November 8, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.  You may find more information about those events on the AthenaFest webpage.


Resources for Support


The Rosemary Furman Counseling Center (located on the first floor of Hewitt Hall)

Hours: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Crisis appointment hours: Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone: 212-854-2092


Students who are experiencing heightened stress or have concerns related to the election are encouraged to take advantage of resources that are available to them through the Furman Counseling Center, including 20-minute one-on-one sessions as well as small group listening spaces that have been scheduled for next week.  Those seeking a space for personal and collective dialogue and reflection may visit social media (@furmanatbarnard and @barnardhealth_wellness) for more information.


Additionally, Furman staff will be available to speak with students at the Post-Election Community Forum on Wednesday, November 6, in the Event Oval from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and on Thursday, November 7, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Furman Counseling Center. 


To complement these on-campus resources, the College also offers after-hours counseling and crisis management support through Protocall Services.  To connect with Protocall at night, on weekends, and during holidays, students may call 212-854-2092 and choose option 1.


Primary Care Health Service (located on the lower level of Reid Hall)
Hours: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone: 212-854-2091


Barnard’s Primary Care Health Service (PCHS) will continue to offer an after-hours triage nurse service through AccessNurse.  Students may access this service by calling 212-854-2091 and selecting option 1.


Francine A. LeFrak Foundation Center for Well-Being

The Wellness Spot

Staff open office hours: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone: 212-854-3063


The Francine LeFrak Center and the Campus Life team will provide additional student-support spaces and quiet activities in Rooms 106 and 107 of Barnard Hall from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday next week.

Friday, November 1, 2024

What's open & what's closed during Nov 4-5 Election Day Recess

What is open & what is closed during Election Day Recess / Fall Break?

Monday Nov. 4
No classes
Administrative offices OPEN
Some Profs, Deans, and staff may be unavailable (check first if you're planning to go to office hours)

Tuesday, Nov. 5
No Classes
Administrative offices CLOSED
Polls OPEN

Friday, October 25, 2024

REPOST: Columbia University Projected Final Exam Schedule for fall 2024 available online -- use this to make winter break travel plans

Source: Mortarboard 1943, Barnard Digital Collections

Planning ahead for winter break 2024-2025?  The Columbia University Projected Final Exam Schedule is here to help. Days and times are accurate; the only difference between the "projected" exam schedule and the full schedule is the latter will also have locations.

The detailed, class-by-class list for both Columbia and Barnard classes should become available online after midterms

Note the following instructions regarding exam conflicts or exam hardship for Barnard students:

Students will occasionally have two exams scheduled for the same time. If you have exam conflict (two exams at the same time) or exam hardship (defined as three exams within a 24-hour period or four exams within a 48-hour period), please fill out this form.

Examinations are not rescheduled to accommodate travel plans.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Senior FAQ: My course doesn't have a P/D/F option in SSOL! Does that mean I can't take it p/d/f????

DON'T WORRY! If you can't elect p/d/f in SSOL, you can use this Slate form to do it!

The rules governing p/d/f are on this Registrar website.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Graduating this year and plagued by the nagging feeling that you must be forgeting something? SENIOR CHECKLIST to the rescue!


Keep track of deadlines and tasks to make sure you're graduating on schedule, using this Senior Checklist.  Spring dates will be further specified when more information is available.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

REPOST: What are all these honors I keep hearing about (latin honors, departmental honors, Phi Beta Kappa), and how are they determined?

Many of you have been asking about GPAs, P/D/F, Dean's List, and how any of these things may affect honors you may receive upon graduation.  Before explaining these, we would like to stress that your deans and faculty are proud of all of your achievements, and no single number or academic distinction or other statistic defines your worth or how much you have learned and grown in college. 

The Barnard Grading & Academic Honors website explains all about honors:

College Honors

The Faculty awards honors to students who complete work for the degree with distinction (cum laude), with high distinction (magna cum laude), and with highest distinction (summa cum laude).  

Honors are determined by a student’s final cumulative Barnard GPA, with the top 5 percent of the graduating class being awarded summa cum laude, the next 10 percent being awarded magna cum laude, and the remaining 20 percent awarded cum laude.  

The minimum grade point averages that determine eligibility for each category of Latin Honors may change with each May’s graduating class.  Those same criteria will be applied to the following February and October graduating classes.  (For example, the criteria for each category of honors for the May 2024 class will also be applied to the October 2024 and February 2025 graduating classes.)

Beginning with the February and May 2022 graduating classes, study at other institutions (transfer, summer school, study leave) is not factored into a student’s Latin honors eligibility.

Latin honors appear on both the transcript and the diploma.

Departmental honors are awarded for distinguished work in the major to no more than 20% of graduates, as nominated by their major departments, and conferred by the Committee on Honors. Departmental honors display on student transcripts but not diplomas.

Phi Beta Kappa

The Barnard section of the Columbia University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1901. Election to the national honor society is a recognition of scholarship, and Barnard students of exceptionally high standing are eligible. Junior election will require a minimum of 86 completed points, and senior election, 102. Students do not apply for membership; they are elected by Barnard faculty members who are themselves members of Phi Beta Kappa.

Resource Reminder

Particularly with all that is going on in the world and on campus these days, we know that you don't stop having feelings just because you're busy with schoolwork, and we want to remind you of the many  resources on campus where you can find peers, professionals, and space to get some support.  Below are just a few examples:
The Furman Counseling Center promotes the social and emotional development of Barnard students to facilitate their richest experience of College Life. We offer therapy, groups, workshops and medication to assist students in maintaining emotional and mental health. We support the College’s commitment to diversity, raising awareness of systems of oppression and unequal access to resources, and work to promote social justice.
  • Make An Appointment

    To schedule an appointment for individual or group therapy:

    Call: (212) 854-2092 

    Fall 2024 Schedule

    Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

    Crisis Appointment Hours: Monday to Friday 10 AM - 4 PM

    Closed on Evenings and Weekends

    Call (212) 854-2092 and indicate “urgent” for same day appointment.

    After 5 PM and on weekends Psychological Emergencies:

    Call the After-Hours Psychological Emergency Line at (212) 854-2092  OR
    Call Community Safety at (212) 854-6666 OR
    Call if not on campus 9-1-1 or go to your nearest emergency room

Monday, October 14, 2024

Argh I dropped a class but now it is mysteriously back on my transcript pls halp

If you successfully dropped a class with adviser permission on or before the October 8 drop deadline, the class should no longer be on your schedule or transcript in Student Planning (Courseworks/Canvas and SSOL may take a little longer to catch up). 

HOWEVER, there is a known technical issue that sometimes causes a previously-dropped course to mysteriously reappear on your schedule and transcript.  The Registrar is aware of this and can help!  

We encourage you to check your transcript in Student Planning periodically to make sure your current-semester courses remain just the courses you are currently registered for.  

If you notice your dropped class coming back again, please email and they will re-drop the course for you.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Global Reproductive Rights & Resistance

 Global Reproductive Rights & Resistance:

A Community Conversation & Workshop with Elizabeth Ananat, Kadambari Baxi, Cecelia Lie-Spahn, and Wendy Schor-Haim | RSVP Here

Thursday, October 17, 5:15 - 7:00 pm | In-person, James Room

The 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization ruling overturned nearly 50 years of legal protections established by Roe v. Wade (1973), ending the constitutional right to an abortion in the United States. Currently, each state decides whether abortion is legal and under what conditions, and the impact of this ruling is felt unevenly and unequally by pregnant people. This community event brings together the diverse expertise of our faculty, Barnard’s international student body, and the College’s history and archives surrounding reproductive justice and freedom to situate this landmark decision in a broader historical and global context. This event is the first in the Provost’s Year of Elections around the World series.

To develop shared language for discussion, Barnard faculty will provide short presentations on the following concepts and terms:

  • the framework of reproductive justice for analyzing unequal access to reproductive care,

  • the history of fetal viability and its reverberations into the present,

  • the practice of self-managed abortions in the U.S., and

  • The impact of trigger laws and reimagining spaces and networks of reproductive care. 

Following these short presentations, participants will be invited to articulate questions together and draw connections and comparisons between these themes and the legality of reproductive healthcare in other countries and political contexts. This event will also showcase the Trigger Planting 2.0 and Abortion in Context exhibition in Milstein, and participants are encouraged to engage with the exhibition in the weeks leading up to the event. RSVP at