Thursday, February 20, 2025

Lift Up Barnard - Spring 2025!

Hi Seniors!

It’s your last semester of college. That’s crazy! We hope that you are being kind to yourself in this wild time and soak up all that Barnard has to offer. If you want to join another extracurricular and/or make some more awesome friends, we here at Lift Up Barnard wanted to remind you that we as a group are here for you!

In case you don’t know who we are, or would like a little refresher, we’re a student-led group dedicated to friendship and community at Barnard. Every week, we switch between having discussions about things like FOMO, stress, friend groups, and more, and having fun activities like origami sessions, movie/game nights, and other things like that. A few times a semester, we also take some off-campus trips to explore NYC together! In the past, we’ve gone to Hex & Co, Levain Bakery, a picnic in Central Park, and the Union Square Holiday Market.

It’s never too late to join our group, as we pride ourselves in being a welcoming space for all Barnard students, no matter what stage you’re at in your college journey. We meet every Wednesday at 7PM in 227 Milbank

Reach out to us via email at or on Instagram @liftupbarnard and join our mailing list here:

We hope to meet y’all soon, and best of luck with the rest of the semester!

Lift Up Barnard

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

How to elect the P/D/F option by the March 27 deadline

The last day to elect the p/d/f option is March 27, 2025 (this is also the W deadline).

**Special note for graduating seniors-- you cannot uncover grades of P from a course taken during  your last semester. 

Also, note that courses taken p/d/f this year are subject to the current rules.  Read all about p/d/f on the Registrar's website but especially note the current policy on the number of courses that may be taken p/d/f, as it is different from the special policy exception that was in place last year:

Beginning fall 2023, Barnard students can elect P/D/F grading in one course per term during the academic year (fall/spring).  This is in addition to any courses with mandatory pass/fail grading.  A class in which the P grade is uncovered is still counted towards the one course per term P/D/F limit.

  • Classes taken for P/D/F grading can be applied to general education requirements. 
  • You cannot elect P/D/F grading for any course that is needed to fulfill major or minor requirements.  It is your responsibility to be sure that you understand this policy and to consult with your department if you have any questions.  Please note that if you elect P/D/F grading in a class that your Department Chair determines is required for your major or minor requirements, the “pass” grade will be administratively uncovered by the Registrar’s Office at the point of graduation, which could affect both your term and cumulative gpa. Dean’ List status can also be affected by this.


The instructor is not informed when a student elects the P/D/F grading option. The instructor will assign a letter grade in SSOL, which will be converted to P/D/F on your transcript.

A letter grade of A+ through C- will appear on the transcript as a P, and will not count in the gpa.
A letter grade of D will appear on the transcript as a D, and will count in the gpa.
A letter grade of F will appear on the transcript as an F, and will count in the gpa.


To elect the P/D/F Grading option:

Barnard students will use SSOL to elect P/D/F grading

-Click here to elect a current course for P/D/F grading(Use a browser other than Safari).

-Click on P/D/F grading then Grading Option Change Request.

This form can be used to elect Pass/D/Fail for a course where that option is not available in SSOL.


To undo/ revoke your p/d/f election  - or switch the election to a different class (this must be done prior to the P/D/F grading deadline):

-Go to and go to Pass/D/Fail Uncover.


 Pro Tip:

-If you drop or officially withdraw from a class that you had previously p/d/f'd, you should also revoke the p/d/f so that it won't count towards your p/d/f limit.


Q: My course doesn't have a P/D/F option in SSOL! Does that mean I can't take it p/d/f????

A: No! If you can't elect p/d/f in SSOL, you can use this Slate form to do it!

How do I withdraw from a class with a W by the March 27 deadline?


The deadline to withdraw from a spring 2025 class is March 27. Withdrawn classes will not affect your GPA and you will not earn credit for them, but they will remain on your transcript, and a W will be entered in place of the final grade. 

Note: You may not withdraw from a class if doing so would leave you with fewer than 12 credits.


To withdraw from a class, use this online form , following these steps:

1. Consult with your adviser.

2. Get an email from your adviser confirming they approve you to withdraw from this specific class.

3. Download that email as a PDF or save a screenshot of it.

4. Complete and submit the online W form on or before the W deadline, uploading your adviser’s confirmation email when prompted to do so.

5. You will receive an email confirmation once your W request is processed, ordinarily within two business days. 


6. Within a week or so, you will see a W next to the class on your transcript.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

2025 Athena Film Festival

The 2025 Athena Film Festival is only one month away, running March 6th-9th, and the full film program is now live! Student tickets, now on sale, are just $6, so be sure to grab yours today!

The premiere women’s leadership film festival in the country happens right here on your campus, and we can’t think of a better way to celebrate Women’s History Month than to watch great films centering fierce, fearless, resilient women leaders surrounded by your friends, classmates, and community.

A few film highlights:

  • Opening Night (Thursday, 3/6) will kick off with a screening of the powerful documentary Satisfied, which follows Broadway star RenĂ©e Elise Goldsberry’s journey as she navigates motherhood and her role as Angelica Schuyler in the groundbreaking musical Hamilton.

  • Friday night (3/7) features include Academy Award-nominated Black Box Diaries, which follows the case that sparked the #MeToo movement in Japan, as well as our centerpiece film, Mrs. Robinson, which explores the life and career of Mary Robinson, a pioneering constitutional lawyer and the first female president of Ireland. 

  • Saturday and Sunday (3/8 and 3/9) will be full days of film screenings, including compelling narrative dramas like Lilly, starring the phenomenal Patricia Clarkson, as well as inspiring documentaries like Spacewoman, which details the journey of Eileen Collins, who became the first female to ever pilot and command NASA’s Space Shuttle. 

If you like the look of the entire program, grab your BC/CU student pass for just $30 to gain unlimited access to all films and post-screening conversations.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

DOVE Support Group now available at Barnard!


Please see the following information and flyer below for an upcoming support group that will be held at Barnard College for those who have experienced sexual violence (such as harassment, exploitation, assault, etc.):

DOVE (Domestic and Other Violence Emergencies) at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, in partnership with Being Barnard, the violence prevention program, and the Rosemary Furman Counseling Center, is pleased to announce a new support group for those who have experienced sexual violence.


  • Participants must be currently receiving individual therapy (either at the Furman Counseling Center or elsewhere) and must reside in New York State.

Group Details:

  • Audience: Barnard students who have experienced sexual violence

  • Dates: February 27 - April 24* 

    • The end date is subject to change to May 1st depending on group members

  • Time: Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

  • Location: In-person (specific location will be shared with group members via email)

Please note that space is limited, and time is of the essence. The deadline for screening and joining the group is February 20.

For more information or to express interest in joining, please contact DOVE at:
Phone: 212-305-9060

Furman Counseling Center Spring 2025 Groups

Hi everyone!

The Furman Counseling Center has just released information regarding their groups and sessions for the Spring 2025 semester. Attached to this post you’ll find their flyer with all of the different groups listed with meeting details. The Furman Counseling Center is a wonderful resource to get support, so if you have any questions about the groups or think you might be interested, don’t hesitate to reach out to them at 212-854-2092 and/or at

Monday, February 10, 2025

Senior-Year FACT OR FICTION: Can't change your major in your final semester?

Welcome to a new series, Senior-Year FACT OR FICTION, wherein we address persistent rumors about credits, graduation, rules, exceptions, etc. so that you can distinguish Senior FACT from Senior FICTION.  

Heard a rumor and want to know if it's true?  Submit requests for this series to

Is it true that graduating seniors cannot change their major during their last semester?

YES; this is FACT. In general, graduating seniors cannot change their majors in their final semester.

There are just a few possible exceptions:
  • You may change from a double major to a single major if you will be unable to complete one of the two majors.
  • You may change your concentration within a major (e.g. from a general biology major to Cellular Molecular Biology).
  • If you believe you have an extremely good reason or extenuating circumstance that warrants changing your major in your final semester, you may petition the Committee on Programs and Academic Standing. Such petitions may or may not be successful. Meet with your class dean to discuss. 
  • Related: You may add a minor in your final semester if you have already completed or are in the process of completing all the minor requirements this semester. If you are working on an undeclared minor, please file the minor declaration ASAP. Deadline to declare a minor is March 1.

Heard a rumor and want to know if it's true?  Submit requests for this series to

Senior-Year FACT OR FICTION: Can't uncover grades of "P" for classes taken in final semester?

Is it true that graduating seniors cannot uncover grades of P for classes taken in their last semester?

YES; this is FACT. Graduating seniors cannot uncover P/D/F grades for classes taken during their final semester. (If a graduating senior elects P/D/F in a course that is required for the major, the Registrar’s Office will uncover the grade the month before graduation, but the student cannot uncover any P/D/F grades for the final semester.)  

Heard a rumor and want to know if it's true?  Submit requests for this series to

Senior Class Dean 2024-2025 Walk-In Hours -- Stop by in person or on zoom!

Got a quick question?

Need to talk to a dean ASAP?

If you have something complicated or want to be sure you can talk at length, please make an appointment via Dean Grabiner's online scheduler.

Otherwise, during the semester, you may walk in virtually or in person at any of the times below. 

Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm Eastern Time

  • Enter waiting room via this Tuesday Afternoon Walk-In Hours Zoom Link or visit 105 Milbank,
  • We will see students on a first-come, first-served basis. 
  • If we run out of time and can't see you, we apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to schedule an appointment, to try walk-ins on a different day, or for time-sensitive matters, to call the office at 212-854-2024 during business hours.

Wednesdays: Degree Audit Drop-Ins 4-5pm Eastern Time

  • Enter waiting room via this Degree Audit Drop-ins Zoom Link or visit 105 Milbank
  • We will prioritize students seeking degree audit advice but will see other students if time permits 
  • If we run out of time and can't see you, we apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to schedule an appointment, to try walk-ins on a different day, or for time-sensitive matters, to call the office at 212-854-2024 during business hours.

Thursdays 3-4pm Eastern Time

  • Enter waiting room via this Thursday Afternoon Walk-In Hours Zoom Link or visit 105 Milbank.
  • We will see students on a first-come, first-served basis. 
  • If we run out of time and can't see you, we apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to schedule an appointment, to try walk-ins on a different day, or for time-sensitive matters, to call the office at 212-854-2024 during business hours.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Senior Thesis Group Coaching!

Graduation is right around the corner, and so is completing your thesis! We are here to help you feel less stressed and more confident in your work. Come for helpful tips and tricks, moral support from your peers, and dedicated time to work on your thesis. This will be the first of many meetings with snacks, drinks, and special guests throughout the semester! Kick off dates are Tuesday Feb 18th at 3pm in the C.E.P. (126 Milstein) and Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 5:30pm in S.L.C. (Liz’s place) 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

SGA Lunar New Year Celebration!

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Continue to celebrate the Lunar New Year by taking part in Lunar Reflections brought to you by Barnard Asian Diaspora and Notion, this Friday, February 7th from 1:00-3:00PM in 409 Barnard HallRSVP here. 

Come for delicious free food, raffles, and a good time with friends at the dinner this Friday 6:00-8:00pm in Diana Event Oval. RSVP here by signing in to MillieLink, or go to MillieLink and search Lunar New Year Dinner. For the most recent updates on these events, follow us @barnardsga on Instagram.

Monday, February 3, 2025

A Conversation with Isabella Rossellini: Living with, studying, and working with dogs and other animals

Please join us for this special event:

Horowitz Event Image.jpg

Actor and filmmaker Isabella Rossellini in conversation with Prof. Alexandra Horowitz about living, studying, and working with animals.

February 12, 2025 | 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Diana Event Oval 

The event is sponsored by the Dog Cognition Lab, and is open to members of the Barnard and Columbia communities only.

Reservations are required. Space is limited.

Register here

Friday, January 31, 2025

How to drop a class by the Feb 25 deadline

Friday, 1/31/2025 is the deadline to add a class, but you can still drop up to the February 25 deadline (after the drop deadline, you can withdraw with a W on or before March 27)

Follow the easy online steps below to drop a class on or before the deadline. 

1. Contact your adviser to discuss and obtain their approval

Best practice is to have an advising conversation where you discuss options and any possible implications of this drop on your full-time status or your graduation progress, but depending on how much you and your adviser have already discussed things, they may agree to review and approve your form without such a meeting


2. Submit the online Drop Request Form

You will only be able to drop online if your adviser grants permission. Be sure that you are not attempting to drop below 12 credits unless approved via CARDS or as a final-semester senior  -- the system will not allow drop below 12 credits without additional approval.


3. Once your adviser grants permission, you will receive an email informing you that you have permission to drop the class(es) discussed.

While this adviser permission is for the specific class you request, functionally it reopens your ability to drop in general, so be sure to drop the right class and nothing else.


4. **do NOT forget this step!!!** You will have two days to drop the class online via Student Planning.*

If you don't drop within the 2-day window, you will need to request permission again. 

*Note that you must drop on or before the drop deadline if you want the class removed from your transcript.


Campus 12-Step Spring 2025

Hi everyone!


On behalf of Columbia Recovery Coalition, the student recovery community on campus, we are sharing information about their 12-Step and student organization meetings. These are open to all Columbia students, including students from Barnard, TC, UTS, JTS, and CUIMC as well as open to students in all forms of recovery. I encourage you to share this information with your teams:


SPRING ’25 Columbia Recovery Coalition’s Sponsored EVENTS & MEETINGS:


12-Step Meeting (Mondays 7pm - 8pm)

***Guastavino Room in St. Paul’s Chapel***

First Meeting: Monday, January 27th

LAST Meeting: Monday, April 28th


RC Club Meeting (Wednesdays 7pm - 8pm)

***Guastavino Room in St. Paul’s Chapel***

First Meeting: Wednesday, January 29th

LAST Meeting: Wednesday, April 30th


Interested students can attend one of the meetings above, reach out to or follow them on Instagram.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

DEADLINE REMINDER: Registration, Adviser Approval, Enrollment Confirmation deadline FRIDAY Jan 31

Welcome back!

Don't forget:

1.  Your Spring 2025 Course Plan in Student Planning must show, in green (i.e. fully registered)all courses that you are taking this semester, including any PE, Dance technique, Varsity sport, or rehearsal/performance course for which you will earn credit this semester. 

2.  Your adviser must approve your course schedule by clicking "Review Complete" in Student Planning.  Ideally, they will do this during an advising meeting with you.  If there are extenuating circumstances making it impossible for you and your adviser to meet until next week, your adviser may click Review Complete upon confirming an appointment day/time with you for next week.  Need advice/approval and can't reach your adviser?  Visit us in the Deans' office!

Don't forget to drop any classes or waitlists that you no longer need.

If you are unable to add a course that you know that you're in, or if you are unable to drop a course or leave a waitlist for something you're not taking, please visit or contact the Registrar's

It is possible that a credit for a P.E. course, Dance technique course, or Varsity sport may appear after the registration deadline (if the course is eligible for credit for the P.E. requirement). If this does not happen automatically, you may need to fill out a form.

Friday, Jan 25 is the last day you may officially add a course
to your schedule. If you need to add a course to your schedule after that date, you will need to petition the Committee on Programs and Academic Standing for permission to do so (contact your class dean if you need info about this), and a late fee may be charged.

You may still drop courses until the Drop Deadline (see Academic Calendar for drop deadlines.  To drop a course after this Friday, you will need to meet with your adviser for approval, so your adviser can submit their approval of your drop request and you can drop the class online no later that 9:30 p.m. on the drop deadline. Find this and all other deadlines on the Academic Calendar and consider adding the Academic Calendar to your gBear calendar.



Reminder that all students must confirm enrollment by (1) registering for classes and (2) paying your bill by the registration deadline. See this blog post for how to tell what kind of hold you may have, and contact the Bursar if you need to discuss your bill.

**Note about Courseworks/Canvas**
Until the registration deadline, your CourseworksCanvas page may not look exactly like your Student Planning page because it takes some time for an added class on myBarnard to appear on Courseworks, and it takes some extra time for a dropped class to disappear. Courseworks will catch up eventually. The most important thing is to make sure that your enrollments are accurate on your Student Planning schedule. 

Expecting to graduate this spring? Missed the Jan 24 deadline to submit the Graduation Application? Don't panic! But DO address this ASAP

All students who expect to finish requirements this semester (May 2024 grads) should have filled out the Graduation Application by the Jan 24, 2025 deadline.


Oh no! I forgot to take care of this; am I too late??? What now???? 

It's not too late, but at this point, you must petition ASAP for late approval to be added to the list of prospective May 2025 grads.

    Don't delay -- take care of this today!
    Both Barnard and Columbia will use the list of students who have applied to graduate: to generate lists for commencement participation, free cap-and-gown pickup, ticket eligibility, dorm move-out dates, diplomas, eligibility for certain academic honors and prizes, and other essential matters for graduating seniors.  Failure to apply to graduate may jeopardize your ability to participate in Commencement this May and receive your degree on time.   


    Not graduating this May but have a May 2025 graduation date in Slate, Student Planning, or your degree audit?

    Submit this form to update your degree date:


    Wednesday, January 22, 2025

    Senior FAQ: why is there a Y on my transcript and why don't I have credit for that class?


    Q: My major has a yearlong thesis, and my fall thesis grade is a Y, and I don't seem to have credit for this class. What's up with that?

    A: Not all majors grade the thesis this way, but for those that do (e.g. History, Neuroscience), the Y grade is short for "Year Course" and is a placeholder until you finish the spring semester thesis class.  Since the Y is not a final grade, you don't yet have credit for the fall class, but the Y demonstrates that you're on track and there's nothing to worry about.  

    Once you finish the spring class and the grade is entered for spring, the same grade will join the Y in the fall, so you'll have (for example) YA- in fall and A- in spring, and your transcript will reflect credit for both semesters.  Grades joined with the letter Y will participate in your GPA just like other grades, and if the grade/credit from them make you eligible for the dean's list, that notation will also be added. 

    While the credit for fall Y grades is not yet included in the "total completed credits" on the transcript, the College understands that you have completed this class, and you may safely add these credits to the "total completed credits" number to determine the number of credits you have actually completed as of the end of the fall semester.

    This and all other letter grades are explained on the reverse side of all official transcripts, as well as on the Registrar's website:

    Graduating this year? You must apply to graduate! -- DEADLINE = JAN 24


    If you are planning to complete your degree requirements this semester, it’s time for you to apply to graduate.
    NOTE: While we call this an application, it is just a brief form to get you on all the right lists to be considered for graduation and get your cap and gown.  As long as you know your name, major, expected grad date, and mailing address, you can submit this form today!
    Deadline for May grads: Jan 24

    To have your degree awarded, you must apply to graduate (even if you do not plan to attend commencement ceremonies).  

    You can log in directly to student planning and access the Graduation Application from the main menu.
    OR --> Graduation tab

    If you expect to finish requirements this semester, apply for Spring 2025 graduation.

    After submitting the form successfully, you will see an on-screen confirmation page and receive a confirmation email.

    If you are not planning to graduate this year, please complete this form so that we can update your record.

    Tuesday, January 21, 2025

    Senior Year FACT or FICTION: possible to take fewer than 12 credits in your last semester????

    Is it true that you can take fewer that 12 credits in your last semester?

    YES; this is FACT, BUT ONLY IN VERY SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES and by following proper procedure

    As stated in the Barnard College Catalogue:

    "Graduating seniors who need fewer than twelve credits to complete their degree – and who have already satisfied the College’s academic residency requirement and completed at least four full-time semesters in academic residence – may be approved to take a minimum of nine credit hours. Because Barnard students are charged a flat rate of tuition per semester, reducing one’s course load to nine credits will not change the tuition owed in the last semester. International students must consult with International Student Services in advance to determine eligibility.  Students who meet these criteria and are approved to be enrolled in nine credits are still eligible to live in Barnard’s residence halls. 

    If any student who is not an eligible senior needs to register for fewer than twelve credits for disability-related reasons, they should reach out to CARDS to discuss the reduced course load process at"

    Submit this form by the drop deadline to request approval **Note that this request can only be made at the start of your final semester, for that semester**:

    Heard a rumor and want to know if it's true?  Submit requests for this series to

    When & how to uncover grades of P from last semester


    When: Students* who elected the P/D/F grading option for a Fall 2024 class can uncover a P grade through Friday, January 31.

    How: In SSOL, click on “P/D/F grading,” then “PDF Option Change Request,” then “Pass/D/Fail Uncover.”

    *NOTE: this option is not available for February grads -- you cannot uncover grades of P from your final semester.

    Friday, January 17, 2025

    Important Information about the Spring Semester and Shopping Period

      Barnard College

    Dear Students,


    We hope you had a restful holiday break. Please read the important information below, which includes details about the Spring Semester and Shopping Period.


    Registering for classes


    Registration will be open in Student Planning from now through Friday, January 31.  (Registration will be closed on weekends and on Monday, January 20). Registration start times can be viewed in Student Planning or in Slate (on the right side of the Home tab).


    If you are searching for a class to add to your schedule, Columbia has launched an updated Course Search in Vergil, which Barnard students can also use. The tool has similar search criteria as Student Planning, including the ability to look for classes that satisfy Barnard General Education (Foundations) requirements. It also has the option to “Only show classes with open seats” in the search results. See screenshots here.


      TIP: Using the Course Search in Vergil is also a great way to become familiar with the Vergil user interface. Vergil will become the registration system for both Barnard and Columbia students (replacing Student Planning and SSOL). We expect that the new system will be launched later this spring (in time for fall registration). We will share more details as we get closer.


    You can continue to make changes to your class schedule in Student Planning through 9:30 p.m. on Friday, January 31, which is the final registration deadline.


    By that date, be sure that you have:


      Registered for all classes you intend to take (including any zero-credit discussion section or lab classes). Note that students cannot remain registered for two classes that overlap in time, and you must resolve any such conflicts by the registration deadline.
      Requested adviser approval of your final schedule. If you have not yet contacted your adviser for a meeting, please do so immediately. 
      Received special permission from your adviser if you are planning to take more than 19 credits this semester. To request this permission from your adviser, use this Slate form beginning Tuesday, January 21.


    If you decide to drop a class after the registration deadline has passed, you will need to request your adviser’s permission using the Drop Request form in Slate. Please note that students must remain enrolled in at least 12 credits per semester, except in very specific circumstances. The final deadline to drop a class (so that it no longer displays on your transcript) is Tuesday, February 25.


    Attending class


      Classes begin on Tuesday, January 21.   
      You should plan to attend every class for which you are officially registered, including during the shopping period. Attendance at the first class is advised in order to secure your spot in the class because it indicates to the faculty member that you plan to remain enrolled.  
      If you are “shopping” a class (for which you have not yet been able to register), you should make every effort to attend it as well. Classroom space may constrain your ability to attend a class for which you are not registered. Please be in touch with the course instructor if that is the case.


    Classroom locations and navigating campus


      Classroom assignments are visible in the Columbia Directory of Classes or the Vergil Course Search. Be sure to verify the location before the first class session for each of your classes, since rooms are subject to change at the start of the semester.
      Some Barnard classes are being held in rooms on the Teachers College (TC) campus again this semester. The building names are Zankel Hall, Macy Hall, and Horace Mann. If you have a class scheduled in those rooms, please note the following details:
      The main entrance to the TC campus is at Zankel Hall on 120th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam. Please see the map here.
      Use your Barnard ID card to tap the card access reader in order to enter the campus.
      While on the TC campus, you can use Eduroam for Wifi. Click on this link for login instructions.
      Due to the renovation of the Roy and Diana Vagelos Science Center, Barnard science departments and labs have moved to new locations on the Barnard, Teachers College, or Columbia campuses. Lab class locations can be found in the Directory of Classes or the Vergil Course Search Columbia Directory of Classes or the Vergil Course Search. The map here shows building locations on each campus.
      We encourage you to consult these revised campus maps if you need help navigating Barnard’s campus during construction.


    Shopping Period 


    As always, you have an opportunity at the beginning of each semester to visit classes for which you are not registered, so that you can learn more about the class content and format. This may help you decide if you would like to enroll. 


    To aid in your decision-making, the Courseworks/Canvas sites for some Barnard classes will be open for all students to access syllabi and course materials for class shopping purposes.


      Find the class either in the Vergil Course Search or in the Directory of Classes (from the Directory, click on the “View in Vergil” link)
      In Vergil, click on the Course Title 
      Click on the “View in CourseWorks” tab - this will take you to the class’ CourseWorks site. (If you don’t see the “View in Courseworks link” initially, click the down arrow next to the section number to display more details.)


    If you are interested in shopping a Barnard class that does not have materials visible in Courseworks, the instructor may be willing to share the syllabus with you.


    If you decide to enroll, be sure to officially add the class in Student Planning before the January 31 deadline.  If you have any questions, email


    Enrollment Confirmation Process


    Please note that final enrollment confirmation for new and continuing students will entail finalizing both your registration for a full-time schedule of classes (or approval for a reduced courseload) and payment of the term bill (for students on payment plans, be up to date on scheduled payments). Both steps must be completed by the Friday, January 31 semester registration/add deadline.


    Students who have not completed both of these steps by the deadline will be deregistered for courses and, therefore, considered not enrolled for the semester. Students will then automatically be placed on a personal leave of absence.


    Holds will prevent add/drop


    If you have a registration hold (e.g. a hold placed by the Bursar, Dean’s Office, Health Services), you will need to clear the hold before you can add/drop courses.


    Students who do not have a designated emergency and/or missing person contact person on file with the College will have a registration hold. If you received an email asking you to provide this information using this Slate form, or if you are unsure if you have provided this information, please be sure you have done that prior to the start of the semester.


    The P/D/F grading option


    If you are interested in electing Pass/D/Fail (P/D/F) grading for a particular course, we recommend that you speak with your academic adviser or class dean to discuss this decision and whether it will be beneficial for your specific situation and longer-term goals. 


    Students who elected the P/D/F grading option for a Fall 2024 class can uncover a P grade through Friday, January 31 in SSOL. In SSOL, Click on “P/D/F grading,” then “PDF Option Change Request,” then “Pass/D/Fail Uncover.”


    If you would like to elect P/D/F grading for a Spring 2025 class, that option will become available on February 3, and you will do this in SSOL. As a reminder, Barnard students are able to elect P/D/F grading for one class per term. The class cannot be used towards a major or minor requirement, but it may be used to fulfill a general education requirement. Students who are facing extenuating circumstances in a particular semester can petition to elect P/D/F grading in a second course, by speaking with their class dean and then submitting a petition to the College’s Committee on Programs and Academic Standing (CPAS). Further details are available on the Registrar’s webpage.


    Seniors graduating at the end of this semester


    If you are planning to graduate at the end of this semester, congratulations! Here are a few suggestions to make sure that your plans stay on track:


      Submit the official application for graduation. The deadline is Friday, January 24.  You can find the application either in Student Planning or at, in the Graduation tab.
      Be sure that you have registered for enough credits this semester to be eligible to graduate. If you entered Barnard as a first-year student, you will need 122 credits. If you entered Barnard as a transfer student, you will need 121 credits.
      Review your online degree audit to be sure that all general education requirements are marked as complete or in progress. Check in with your major adviser (if you haven’t already) to be sure your major requirements will also be complete.
      If you are interested in enrolling in fewer than 12 credits during your final semester, you can submit that request in Slate.
      If you are planning to declare a minor, submit the request in Slate as soon as you have registered for all required classes (and no later than March 1).
      The P/D/F grading option will become available for spring classes at the beginning of February. If you decide to P/D/F a class, please keep in mind that, as a final semester senior, you cannot uncover the P grade later.


    Deferred Exams from fall classes


    If you had an extenuating circumstance requiring you to defer any of your final exams in December, deferred exams will be given on Friday, January 24 and Monday, January 27. Be sure to reference the Registrar’s Office website and your Barnard email account for details. If you are eligible to take exams with CARDS, please be in touch with regarding plans for your deferred exam.


    Barnard Portal


    Sign in at for important College updates, convenient links to tools like Student Planning and Slate for Students, and access to other campus and academic resources.


    Important Dates & Deadlines


    Please be sure to reference the academic calendar to remain aware of the different academic deadlines, such as dropping, withdrawing and electing P/D/F for your classes. 


    Best wishes for a good start to the semester,


    Jennifer Simmons



    Holly Tedder

    Dean for Academic Planning & Class Advising


    Barnard College

    3009 Broadway, New York, NY

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