Please see the following information and flyer below for an upcoming support group that will be held at Barnard College for those who have experienced sexual violence (such as harassment, exploitation, assault, etc.):
DOVE (Domestic and Other Violence Emergencies) at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, in partnership with Being Barnard, the violence prevention program, and the Rosemary Furman Counseling Center, is pleased to announce a new support group for those who have experienced sexual violence.
Participants must be currently receiving individual therapy (either at the Furman Counseling Center or elsewhere) and must reside in New York State.
Group Details:
Audience: Barnard students who have experienced sexual violence
Dates: February 27 - April 24*
The end date is subject to change to May 1st depending on group members
Time: Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: In-person (specific location will be shared with group members via email)
Please note that space is limited, and time is of the essence. The deadline for screening and joining the group is February 20.
For more information or to express interest in joining, please contact DOVE at:
Email: dove@nyp.org
Phone: 212-305-9060