Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Important Information about the Fall Semester and Shopping Period

  Barnard College

Dear Students,


We hope you had a restful summer break and are feeling restored heading into the upcoming semester.


Please read the important information below, which includes details about the Fall Semester and Shopping Period.


Registering for classes


Registration will be open in Student Planning today (Friday, August 30) for incoming first-year students, and for all students on Saturday, August 31. Registration start times can be viewed in Student Planning or in Slate (on the right side of the Home tab).


If you are searching for a class to add to your schedule, Columbia has launched an updated Course Search in Vergil, which Barnard students can also use. The tool has similar search criteria as Student Planning, including the ability to look for classes that satisfy Barnard General Education (Foundations) requirements. It also has the option to “Only show classes with open seats” in the search results. See screenshots here.


You can continue to make changes to your class schedule in Student Planning through Friday, September 13, which is the final registration deadline.


By that date, be sure that you have:


Registered for all classes you intend to take (including any zero-credit discussion section or lab classes). Note that students cannot remain registered for two classes that overlap in time, and you must resolve any such conflicts by the registration deadline.
Requested adviser approval of your final schedule. If you have not yet contacted your adviser for a meeting, please do so immediately. 
Received special permission from your adviser if you are planning to take more than 19 credits this semester. To request this permission from your adviser, use this Slate form beginning Tuesday, September 3.


If you decide to drop a class after the registration deadline has passed, you will need to request your adviser’s permission using the Drop Request form in Slate. Please note that students must remain enrolled in at least 12 credits per semester, except in very specific circumstances. The final deadline to drop a class (so that it no longer displays on your transcript) is Tuesday, October 8.


Attending class


Classes begin on Tuesday, September 3.   
You should plan to attend every class for which you are officially registered, including during the shopping period. Attendance at the first class is advised in order to secure your spot in the class because it indicates to the faculty member that you plan to remain enrolled.
If you are “shopping” a class (for which you have not yet been able to register), you should make every effort to attend it as well. Classroom space may constrain your ability to attend a class for which you are not registered. Please be in touch with the course instructor if that is the case.


Classroom locations and navigating campus


Classroom assignments are visible in the Columbia Directory of Classes or the Vergil Course Search. Be sure to verify the location before the first class session for each of your classes, since rooms are subject to change at the start of the semester.
Some Barnard classes are being held in rooms on the Teachers College (TC) campus this semester. The building names are Zankel Hall, Macy Hall, and Horace Mann. If you have a class scheduled in those rooms, please note the following details:
The main entrance to the TC campus is at Zankel Hall on 120th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam. Please see the map here.
Use your Barnard ID card to tap the card access reader in order to enter the campus.
While on the TC campus, you can use Eduroam for Wifi. Click on this link for login instructions.
Due to the renovation of the Roy and Diana Vagelos Science Center, Barnard science departments and labs have moved to new locations on the Barnard, Teachers College, or Columbia campuses. Lab class locations can be found in the Directory of Classes or the Vergil Course Search Columbia Directory of Classes or the Vergil Course Search. The map here shows building locations on each campus.
We encourage you to consult these revised campus maps if you need help navigating Barnard’s campus during construction.


Shopping Period 


As always, you have an opportunity at the beginning of each semester to visit classes for which you are not registered, so that you can learn more about the class content and format. This may help you decide if you would like to enroll. 


To aid in your decision-making, the Courseworks/Canvas sites for some Barnard classes will be open for all students to access syllabi and course materials for class shopping purposes.  


Find the class either in the Vergil Course Search or in the Directory of Classes (from the Directory, click on the “View in Vergil” link)
In Vergil, click on the Course Title 
Click on the “View in CourseWorks” link - this will take you to the class’ CourseWorks site. (If you don’t see the “View in Courseworks link” initially, click the down arrow next to the section number to display more details.)


If you are interested in shopping a Barnard class that does not have materials visible in Courseworks, the instructor may be willing to share the syllabus with you.


Enrollment Confirmation Process


Please note that final enrollment confirmation for new and continuing students will entail finalizing both your registration for a full-time schedule of classes (or approval for a reduced courseload) and payment of the term bill (for students on payment plans, be up to date on scheduled payments). Both steps must be completed by the Friday, September 13 semester registration/add deadline.


Students who have not completed both of these steps by the deadline will be deregistered for courses and, therefore, considered not enrolled for the semester.  Students will then automatically be placed on a personal leave of absence.


Holds will prevent add/drop


If you have a registration hold (e.g. a hold placed by the Bursar, Dean’s Office, Health Services), you will need to clear the hold before you can add/drop courses during the registration period at the start of the semester (September 3 – 13).  


Students who do not have a designated emergency and/or missing person contact person on file with the College will have a registration hold. If you received an email asking you to provide this information using this Slate form, or if you are unsure if you have provided this information, please be sure you have done that prior to the start of the semester.


The P/D/F grading option


If you are interested in electing Pass/D/Fail (P/D/F) grading for a particular course, we recommend that you speak with your academic adviser or class dean to discuss this decision and whether it will be beneficial for your specific situation and longer-term goals. 


Spring 2024 classes

As a one-semester exception, Barnard students were given an extended deadline to make changes to their P/D/F elections for Spring 2024 classes. This exception also allowed students to elect P/D/F grading in up to two of their Spring 2024 courses, including courses in the major and minor.


The following options will be available in SSOL until 9:00 p.m. on Friday, September 13:

Electing the P/D/F option for a class using the P/D/F selection tool in SSOL.  
Removing / revoking the P/D/F option for a class (i.e. changing a previously elected p/d/f to normal letter grading) by “Uncovering” the grade in SSOL. You can see the letter grade that you received by going to the P/D/F Grading tab in SSOL.
Special note if you wish to uncover a grade of P and then use your P/D/F option for a different class: Be sure to start this process at least one day before the deadline: You will need to “uncover” the grade one day, and then go back to SSOL the following day to elect P/D/F in the other class.


Fall 2024 classes

If you would like to elect P/D/F grading for a Fall 2024 class, that option will become available on September 16, and you will do this in SSOL.


For Fall 2024 classes, Barnard’s normal P/D/F policies and deadlines will apply. Students will be able to elect P/D/F grading for one class per term. The class cannot be used towards a major or minor requirement, but it may be used to fulfill a general education requirement. Students who are facing extenuating circumstances in a particular semester can petition to elect P/D/F grading in a second course, by speaking with their class dean and then submitting a petition to the College’s Committee on Programs and Academic Standing (CPAS). Further details are available on the Registrar’s webpage.


Barnard Portal


Sign in at portal.barnard.edu for important College updates, convenient links to tools like Student Planning and Slate for Students, and access to other campus and academic resources.


Seniors graduating at the end of the fall semester


If you are planning to graduate at the end of the fall semester, congratulations! Here are a few suggestions to make sure that your plans stay on track:

Be sure that you have registered for enough credits this fall to be eligible to graduate. If you entered Barnard as a first-year student, you will need 122 credits. If you entered Barnard as a transfer student, you will need 121 credits.
Review your online degree audit to be sure that all general education requirements are marked as complete or in progress. Check in with your major adviser (if you haven’t already) to be sure your major requirements will also be complete.
Submit the official application for graduation. The deadline is December 10. You can find the application either in Student Planning or at portal.barnard.edu, in the Graduation tab.
If you are interested in enrolling in fewer than 12 credits during your final semester, you can submit that request in Slate.
If you are planning to declare a minor, submit the request in Slate as soon as you have registered for all required classes (and no later than November 1).
The P/D/F grading option will become available for fall classes at the end of September. If you decide to P/D/F a class, please keep in mind that, as a final semester senior, you cannot uncover the P grade later.


Deferred Exams from spring classes


If you had an extenuating circumstance requiring you to defer any of your final exams in May, deferred exams will be given on Friday, September 6 and Monday, September 9. Be sure to reference the Registrar’s Office website and your Barnard email account for details. If you are eligible to take exams with CARDS, please be in touch with cards@barnard.edu regarding plans for your deferred exam.


Important Dates & Deadlines


Please be sure to reference the academic calendar to remain aware of the different academic deadlines, such as dropping, withdrawing and electing P/D/F for your classes.


Best wishes for a good start to the semester,


Jennifer Simmons



Holly Tedder

Dean for Academic Planning & Class Advising


Barnard College

3009 Broadway, New York, NY

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