Sunday, June 30, 2024

I reviewed my degree audit and I think there's a mistake! How can I get it fixed?

Reminder that, as long as all of your General Education Requirements are complete, waived, pending completion (or you plan to take them in the future), your audit does not need to be updated. It's okay if your personal color-coded spreadsheet has different courses in different slots, as long as they are all accounted for. 

Additional reminder, that the major audit may be updated in any semester except your last one. Since the Registrar will run all transcripts by major departments to confirm graduation eligibility regardless of the major audit, they need to prioritize doing that in your final semester over updating the audit online.

Special note for students who have permissible grades of P in the major or minor: the audit will not automatically update to count these; you will need to submit the form linked below to correct this or, if it's your last semester, just make sure your department chair is aware and planning to confirm that this course can count when asked to confirm your major.

If you believe you have completed a requirement and instead see a blank in that section of your degree audit, there may be a technical issue, or you may need adviser approval for a course that the computer isn't aware can count for a major requirement.

You can request an update using the Degree Audit Change Request Form

If you took a course that you think should count for a Foundations General Education Requirement but it's not actually on the list of approved Foundations courses, now would be a good time to submit a GER Appeal, so you can have an answer in plenty of time to make registration decisions for the coming semester.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Need an extra credit or two this fall? Here are a few options

Doing that degree-audit arithmetic and need one or two more credits?

If you're having trouble getting up to the number of credits you need and are looking for a 1-2-credit course to add, here are some options and tips. While it is too late to add many of these, several of the short courses at the School of International and Public Affairs or in Computer Science may not have started yet.

**Be sure to check course descriptions for special registration procedures or necessary permissions.

Know of something that's not on here? Email, and we'll add it!

1-2 credit course options:

Senior FAQ: Do I have to take 12 credits if this is my last semester and I don't need that many credits?


Short answer: POSSIBLY NOT

Longer answer: if you can complete all your major and General Education requirements, as well as 122 credits (121 for transfers) with fewer than 12 credits this semester, and do not have any outstanding incomplete coursework from the past, you may request permission to take a minimum of 9 credits in your final semester. 

To request permission for this option please submit this form beginning the first day of classes, and before the drop deadline:

Per the Barnard Catalogue (emphasis added):

As of Spring 2022, in their final semester of enrollment, graduating seniors who need fewer than twelve credits to complete their degree – and who have already completed at least four full-time semesters in academic residence – may be approved to take a minimum of nine credit hours. Because Barnard students are charged a flat rate of tuition per semester, reducing one’s course load to nine credits will not change the tuition owed in the student’s last semester. International students must consult with International Student Services in advance to determine eligibility.  Students who meet this criteria and are approved to be enrolled in nine credits are still eligible to live in Barnard’s residence halls. 

If any student who is not an eligible senior needs to register for fewer than twelve credits for disability-related reasons, they may reach out to CARDS to discuss the reduced course load process at  


What about the Dean's List? Don't I need to be in 12 letter-graded credits to be considered for that?

Final-semester students who are approved for fewer than 12 credits are eligible for the dean's list if they complete at least 9 credits with the requisite GPA.

I clicked the link for the request form, but I got an error message saying "Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed."

If you're trying to make this request for an upcoming semester, the form will reopen at the start of that semester and you should submit it then.

Senior Life Hack: How to check your remaining credits and see if you're on track for graduation

Your Unofficial Transcript is the best place to check how many credits you have left before graduation.
It is easier to find and understand the credit math on the Transcript than on the Degree Audit, particularly if you have repeated classes that allow you to earn credit more than once (e.g. Dance Technique, Advanced Language Through Content, Supervised Research, etc.) or are registered for a yearlong thesis that only gives you grades in spring.

    How to check how many credits you still need to complete your degree:

    Senior year is approaching -- now is a good time to check your degree audit

    Planning to graduate this year?  Now's a good time to double-check that you're on track to complete all of your requirements on time. 

    Step 1: Open up both your Degree Audit and your Unofficial Transcript -- now both in Student Planning

    Check the Student Planning/myBarnard/Registration printable guide (requires myBarnard/gBear login to view) for instructions if you don't remember how to view your Degree Audit online.

    See related blog post for how to check remaining credits on your Transcript.

    Step 2: Check for some important stuff

      On your Unofficial Transcript

      1. Are all the classes you took listed, are all the grades on your transcript, and do you have credit for all PE and dance classes you need?
      2. Are all external credits you expect -- previous college credit, summer credit, AP/IB credit, study abroad credit, etc. -- listed? 
      3. If you're planning to graduate this May:
        1. Have you completed at least 86 credits, thereby attaining senior status? 
        2. Are you registered -- or will you soon register -- for a schedule that puts you on track to finish everything that remains by the end of the spring?
      On your Degree Audit
      1. Is your expected graduation date correct?
      2. Are all courses showing up as counting for the requirements you expect them to count for? Or are things listed in "Other" that you expected to see under General Education Requirements (GERs) or in your major?  
      3. If you're planning to graduate this February, everything should be completed or in progress.

      Step 3: Address any issues you identified in Step 2

      How to search Vergil for classes with open seats or other relevant criteria

      Columbia has launched an updated Course Search in Vergil, which Barnard students can also use. 

      The tool has similar search criteria as Student Planning, including the ability to look for classes that satisfy Barnard General Education (Foundations) requirements, classes with a particular number of credits, etc. 

      NOTE ON FOUNDATIONS REQS: for Barnard requirements, be sure to cross reference anything found here with the Slate listing of courses approved for Foundations requirements.

      It also has the option to “Only show classes with open seats” in the search results. 

      You can also filter by term, number of credits, Foundations designation (again confirm this with the Barnard page!), course number, and more!

      Wednesday, June 12, 2024

      Senior Class Dean Summer Walk-In Hours -- stop by in person or via zoom **NOTE SUMMER LOCATION: MILBANK 114B**

      Got a quick question?

      Need to talk to a dean ASAP?

      If you have something complicated or want to be sure you can talk at length, please make an appointment via Dean Grabiner's online scheduler.

      Otherwise, walk in virtually or in person **NOTE SUMMER LOCATION MILBANK 114B** at any of the times below.

      Please note that

      Tuesdays 2-3pm Eastern Time -- canceled 6/18

      • Enter waiting room via this Tuesday Afternoon Walk-In Hours Zoom Link or visit 115B Milbank,
      • We will see students on a first-come, first-served basis. 
      • If we run out of time and can't see you, we apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to schedule an appointment, to try walk-ins on a different day, or for time-sensitive matters, to call the office at 212-854-2024 during business hours.

      Wednesdays: Degree Audit Drop-Ins 4-5pm Eastern Time -- online only 6/12; canceled 6/19

      • Enter waiting room via this Degree Audit Drop-ins Zoom Link or visit 114B Milbank
      • We will prioritize students seeking degree audit advice but will see other students if time permits 
      • If we run out of time and can't see you, we apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to schedule an appointment, to try walk-ins on a different day, or for time-sensitive matters, to call the office at 212-854-2024 during business hours.

      Thursdays 3-4pm Eastern Time -- online only

      • Enter waiting room via this Thursday Afternoon Walk-In Hours Zoom Link
      • We will see students on a first-come, first-served basis. 
      • If we run out of time and can't see you, we apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to schedule an appointment, to try walk-ins on a different day, or for time-sensitive matters, to call the office at 212-854-2024 during business hours.