Friday, October 25, 2024

REPOST: Columbia University Projected Final Exam Schedule for fall 2024 available online -- use this to make winter break travel plans

Source: Mortarboard 1943, Barnard Digital Collections

Planning ahead for winter break 2024-2025?  The Columbia University Projected Final Exam Schedule is here to help. Days and times are accurate; the only difference between the "projected" exam schedule and the full schedule is the latter will also have locations.

The detailed, class-by-class list for both Columbia and Barnard classes should become available online after midterms

Note the following instructions regarding exam conflicts or exam hardship for Barnard students:

Students will occasionally have two exams scheduled for the same time. If you have exam conflict (two exams at the same time) or exam hardship (defined as three exams within a 24-hour period or four exams within a 48-hour period), please fill out this form.

Examinations are not rescheduled to accommodate travel plans.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Senior FAQ: My course doesn't have a P/D/F option in SSOL! Does that mean I can't take it p/d/f????

DON'T WORRY! If you can't elect p/d/f in SSOL, you can use this Slate form to do it!

The rules governing p/d/f are on this Registrar website.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Graduating this year and plagued by the nagging feeling that you must be forgeting something? SENIOR CHECKLIST to the rescue!


Keep track of deadlines and tasks to make sure you're graduating on schedule, using this Senior Checklist.  Spring dates will be further specified when more information is available.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

REPOST: What are all these honors I keep hearing about (latin honors, departmental honors, Phi Beta Kappa), and how are they determined?

Many of you have been asking about GPAs, P/D/F, Dean's List, and how any of these things may affect honors you may receive upon graduation.  Before explaining these, we would like to stress that your deans and faculty are proud of all of your achievements, and no single number or academic distinction or other statistic defines your worth or how much you have learned and grown in college. 

The Barnard Grading & Academic Honors website explains all about honors:

College Honors

The Faculty awards honors to students who complete work for the degree with distinction (cum laude), with high distinction (magna cum laude), and with highest distinction (summa cum laude).  

Honors are determined by a student’s final cumulative Barnard GPA, with the top 5 percent of the graduating class being awarded summa cum laude, the next 10 percent being awarded magna cum laude, and the remaining 20 percent awarded cum laude.  

The minimum grade point averages that determine eligibility for each category of Latin Honors may change with each May’s graduating class.  Those same criteria will be applied to the following February and October graduating classes.  (For example, the criteria for each category of honors for the May 2024 class will also be applied to the October 2024 and February 2025 graduating classes.)

Beginning with the February and May 2022 graduating classes, study at other institutions (transfer, summer school, study leave) is not factored into a student’s Latin honors eligibility.

Latin honors appear on both the transcript and the diploma.

Departmental honors are awarded for distinguished work in the major to no more than 20% of graduates, as nominated by their major departments, and conferred by the Committee on Honors. Departmental honors display on student transcripts but not diplomas.

Phi Beta Kappa

The Barnard section of the Columbia University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was founded in 1901. Election to the national honor society is a recognition of scholarship, and Barnard students of exceptionally high standing are eligible. Junior election will require a minimum of 86 completed points, and senior election, 102. Students do not apply for membership; they are elected by Barnard faculty members who are themselves members of Phi Beta Kappa.

Resource Reminder

Particularly with all that is going on in the world and on campus these days, we know that you don't stop having feelings just because you're busy with schoolwork, and we want to remind you of the many  resources on campus where you can find peers, professionals, and space to get some support.  Below are just a few examples:
The Furman Counseling Center promotes the social and emotional development of Barnard students to facilitate their richest experience of College Life. We offer therapy, groups, workshops and medication to assist students in maintaining emotional and mental health. We support the College’s commitment to diversity, raising awareness of systems of oppression and unequal access to resources, and work to promote social justice.
  • Make An Appointment

    To schedule an appointment for individual or group therapy:

    Call: (212) 854-2092 

    Fall 2024 Schedule

    Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

    Crisis Appointment Hours: Monday to Friday 10 AM - 4 PM

    Closed on Evenings and Weekends

    Call (212) 854-2092 and indicate “urgent” for same day appointment.

    After 5 PM and on weekends Psychological Emergencies:

    Call the After-Hours Psychological Emergency Line at (212) 854-2092  OR
    Call Community Safety at (212) 854-6666 OR
    Call if not on campus 9-1-1 or go to your nearest emergency room

Monday, October 14, 2024

Argh I dropped a class but now it is mysteriously back on my transcript pls halp

If you successfully dropped a class with adviser permission on or before the October 8 drop deadline, the class should no longer be on your schedule or transcript in Student Planning (Courseworks/Canvas and SSOL may take a little longer to catch up). 

HOWEVER, there is a known technical issue that sometimes causes a previously-dropped course to mysteriously reappear on your schedule and transcript.  The Registrar is aware of this and can help!  

We encourage you to check your transcript in Student Planning periodically to make sure your current-semester courses remain just the courses you are currently registered for.  

If you notice your dropped class coming back again, please email and they will re-drop the course for you.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Global Reproductive Rights & Resistance

 Global Reproductive Rights & Resistance:

A Community Conversation & Workshop with Elizabeth Ananat, Kadambari Baxi, Cecelia Lie-Spahn, and Wendy Schor-Haim | RSVP Here

Thursday, October 17, 5:15 - 7:00 pm | In-person, James Room

The 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization ruling overturned nearly 50 years of legal protections established by Roe v. Wade (1973), ending the constitutional right to an abortion in the United States. Currently, each state decides whether abortion is legal and under what conditions, and the impact of this ruling is felt unevenly and unequally by pregnant people. This community event brings together the diverse expertise of our faculty, Barnard’s international student body, and the College’s history and archives surrounding reproductive justice and freedom to situate this landmark decision in a broader historical and global context. This event is the first in the Provost’s Year of Elections around the World series.

To develop shared language for discussion, Barnard faculty will provide short presentations on the following concepts and terms:

  • the framework of reproductive justice for analyzing unequal access to reproductive care,

  • the history of fetal viability and its reverberations into the present,

  • the practice of self-managed abortions in the U.S., and

  • The impact of trigger laws and reimagining spaces and networks of reproductive care. 

Following these short presentations, participants will be invited to articulate questions together and draw connections and comparisons between these themes and the legality of reproductive healthcare in other countries and political contexts. This event will also showcase the Trigger Planting 2.0 and Abortion in Context exhibition in Milstein, and participants are encouraged to engage with the exhibition in the weeks leading up to the event. RSVP at

The Joy and Science of Effective Note-Taking Workshop

The Joy and Science of Effective Note-Taking Workshop | RSVP Here

Wednesday, October 16, 4:15 - 5:30 pm | In-person, Helene L. Kaplan Tower Suite North Tower (Sulzberger Hall)

Have you ever wondered if your style of note-taking is effective? 🤔 📝 💻 Have you ever thought about whether there might be a better—and more joyous—way to take notes? ✨ 📙

Join the Center for Engaged Pedagogy for a note-taking workshop on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, from 4:15-5:30PM. Come to discuss and learn about note-taking habits, techniques, and practices for readings, lectures, and discussion-based courses. We’ll also save time for showcasing generative AI-assisted note-taking tools and learning from you about tools you have found helpful to your studies. You'll leave with note-taking templates and supplies! 📒✒️RSVP at Contact us at

Monday, October 7, 2024

Non-Residential Student Support Event - 10/15 Breakfast Social!

Hello students!

Want to grab a quick bite, mix and mingle with other commuter/non-residential students? Stop by the upcoming first monthly Breakfast Social that will be taking place next Tuesday, October 15th from 9:30AM-11:30AM in the North Tower - Helene L. Kaplan Suite in Sulzberger Hall, Floor 17!

If you have any questions, feel free to be in touch with the Community Director for Non-Residential Support (NRSS), Guneet Moihdeen, which you can find her contact information down below!

DEADLINE ALERT: How to drop a class by the Oct 8 deadline

Friday, 9/13/2024 was the deadline to add a class, but you can still drop up to the October 8 deadline (after the drop deadline, you can withdraw with a W on or before November 14)

Follow the easy online steps below to drop a class on or before the deadline. 

1. Contact your adviser to discuss and obtain their approval

Best practice is to have an advising conversation where you discuss options and any possible implications of this drop on your full-time status or your graduation progress, but depending on how much you and your adviser have already discussed things, they may agree to review and approve your form without such a meeting


2. Submit the online Drop Request Form

You will only be able to drop online if your adviser has granted this permission. Be sure that you are not attempting to drop below 12 credits unless approved via CARDS or as a final-semester senior  -- the system will not allow drop below 12 credits without additional approval.


3. As soon as your adviser grants permission, you will receive an email informing you that you have permission to drop the class(es) discussed.

While this adviser permission is for the specific class you request, functionally it reopens your ability to drop in general, so be sure to drop the right class and nothing else.


4. Log into Student Planning to drop the class within two days and on or before the October 8 deadline.*

If you don't drop within the 2-day window, you will need to request permission again. 

*Note that you must drop on or before the drop deadline if you want the class removed from your transcript.


FAQ: I filled out the form and it was approved. Why is the class still on my record?

A: The form/permission does NOT drop you from the class; it just temporarily reopens your ability to drop a class yourself -- don't forget to do step 4 above!


FAQ: I dropped the class and it was removed from my transcript, and I just noticed that it is mysteriously back there now?!?! 

A: This is rare, but there is a known technical glitch that sometimes causes this to happen. If you notice a previously dropped class has returned to your schedule, please email  


FAQ: I heard graduating seniors can take fewer than 12 credits in their last semester if they don't need 12. Why won't the drop form let me do that?

A: There is a separate process to request this permission. See recent blog post for directions and link.

Friday, October 4, 2024

English Department Book Club!

Hello seniors!

The English Department is introducing a book club with two readings, both led by students, the second with the author present!

Isabella Hammad has written a terrific novel, Enter Ghost. The English Department is sponsoring two discussions of her novel, both led by students.   

The first meeting is next Wednesday, October 9th, from 7-9PM in the Held Auditorium, Barnard Hall 3rd Floor.     

The second meeting is on Wednesday November 13th from 7-9PM in Sulzberger Parlor,  Barnard Hall 3rd Floor, will be with Isabella herself.   

Isabella's an incredible (young) author: You will really enjoy reading her novel and talking with her. Please come! You can pick up a free copy of Enter Ghost in the English Department during regular hours. We will provide home-baked cookies and hot chocolate!

Again, we'd love to have you come!
Ross Hamilton, Chair, English Department.  

P.S.: In the Spring, we plan to read Shalom Auslander's Mother for Dinner.  

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Barnard Help Rooms now OPEN to support your academic success in CompSci, Econ, Math, Orgo, Physics, and Spanish, and Statistics

Want some peer support in friendly, drop-in environment?

The Following Help Rooms are here for you:

Looking for more individualized support? Email to ask about our FREE peer tutoring!