Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Confirm you're on track to graduate at Degree Audit Drop-Ins, every Wednesday 4-5pm

Sure, you could (and should) check your degree audit all by yourself on any computer at any time (see previous blog post for advice on what to look for and how to fix common issues).

Or, you could go over everything with a friendly and supportive class dean to field questions and offer advice on trouble-shooting and problem-solving. 
Get the Dean Grabiner seal of approval that you are on track to graduate!

Degree Audit Drop-Ins in-person or on Zoom

Wednesdays: 4-5pm Eastern Time -- canceled Wed 8/28

  • Enter waiting room via this Degree Audit Drop-ins Zoom Link or visit 105 Milbank
  • We will prioritize students seeking degree audit advice but will see other students if time permits 
  • If we run out of time and can't see you, we apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to schedule an appointment, to try walk-ins on a different day, or for time-sensitive matters, to call the office at 212-854-2024 during business hours.

Final Incomplete DEADLINE for Spring 2024 classes: Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024

If you took an Incomplete in any of your Spring 2024 classes, be sure to turn in all remaining written work to both the instructor and registrar@barnard.edu (so that it can be time-stamped as on time) no later than Tuesday, September, 3, 2024.  

Once the instructor submits the new final grade, it will completely replace the temporarly placeholder "I" grade, and your transcript will show no evidence of the former incomplete.

In between you submitting the work and the instructor entering the updated grade, you may see your grade temporarily changed to "WS" -- do not panic if you see this! It stands for "Work Submitted" and means you have done everything correctly and by the appropriate deadline.

If work is not submitted by the deadline, the instructor will be directed to enter the contingency grade, i.e. a final grade factoring in a zero for any missing work. The contingency grade will be preceded by an asterisk on the transcript (e.g. *B, *C-, *F). 

If you are experiencing extenuating circumstances and would like to discuss the possibility of petitioning to extend an incomplete, please contact your class dean.

DEADLINE ALERT: change p/d/f election from spring 2024 by Sept 13, 9pm


As a reminder, per last semester's special p/d/f policy, you can make P/D/F changes to your spring 2024 course grades until 9:00 p.m. on Friday, September 13. Please note that these extended deadlines apply only to spring 2024 P/D/F elections. (You will not be able to modify your P/D/F elections for previous terms.)


All changes to your P/D/F elections can be made in SSOL. This includes:

Electing the P/D/F option for a class (either before or after the grade is posted) using the P/D/F selection tool in SSOL.  
If your instructor assigned a grade of C- or better, you will essentially be “covering” that grade with a grade of P on your transcript. Reminder that a C- is the minimum grade for a P; grades of D or F are unchanged by P/D/F status.
If a class does not have the P/D/F option in SSOL, you are still allowed to take it P/D/F (as long as it’s not a senior capstone course or a course required for teaching certification); just use this form to elect the P/D/F option.  
Removing / revoking the P/D/F option for a class (i.e. changing a previously elected p/d/f to normal letter grading)
If a grade has not yet been assigned, you will do this in the P/D/F selection tool in SSOL. 
If a grade has been assigned, you will do this by “Uncovering” the grade in SSOL. You can see the letter grade that you received by going to the P/D/F Grading tab in SSOL.
Special note if you wish to uncover a grade of P and then use your P/D/F option for a different class: Be sure to start this process at least one day before the deadline: You will need to “uncover” the grade one day, and then go back to SSOL the following day to elect P/D/F in the other class. 


After 24 hours have passed, we highly recommend that you verify on your Barnard unofficial transcript in Student Planning (selfservice.barnard.edu) that your spring 2024 grades appear as you intended.  


If you have any questions or notice any discrepancies, please contact the Registrar’s Office immediately at registrar@barnard.edu. This is especially time-sensitive for graduating seniors whose transcripts must be finalized in order for degrees to be officially awarded.


If you need assistance deciding how to use your P/D/F options, please do not hesitate to be in touch with your adviser or class dean.

Next registration add/drop periods = August 31, 12-16, & 20-22

The last add/drop period before final registration (a.k.a. shopping period) will be August 31.  As long as you don't have any holds, you should be able to register, add, and drop courses during this period at the assigned times listed in your Barnard Portal and/or Student Planning.  

If this fall is your last semester, you may not need to take 12 credits.

If you need a few extra credits to stay on track to graduate, see this recent list of 1-2-credit courses

You can use Vergil to search for open classes.

You can use SSOL to view your position on a waitlist

You cannot register for more than 19 credits at this stage. You may be able to get adviser permission for more than 19 credits during the final registration period, September 3-13.

Final Registration Deadline is September 13, 2024.

Keep track of these and other deadlines by uploading the Academic Calendar to your gBear calendar.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Welcome to your senior year -- I'm your class dean!


Dear Seniors,

Welcome to your senior year at Barnard! I'm Rebecca Grabiner, your Senior Class Dean, and I look forward to working with you this year. Like all the class deans in the Deans Office for Advising and Support, I strive to provide a non-judgemental space where any Barnard student can seek support, advice, and information. I can work with you on something as simple as approving a form if your adviser is out of town, or something as serious as a health or family emergency that affects your ability to engage with your coursework. I have appointment times and walk-in hours several days a week.

I’m happy to help you keep track of requirements, deadlines, policies, procedures, and credits, and to empower you with tools to help you keep track of these yourself. Basically, I have three important goals that I hope you also have: for you to be well and safe, to learn and to grow, and to graduate! I will organize a lot of the info you need to do these things right here on the senior blog.  I encourage you to bookmark the this blog and follow our Instagram and/or Twitter/X – and to upload the Barnard Academic Calendar to your gBear calendar.

A few updates, deadlines, reminders, and helpful links for now: You can once again register/add/drop fall 2024 courses on August 31, and final registration/"shopping" begins on the first day of classes, Sept. 3. If you’re feeling a little rusty on administrative stuff after a summer away, recent senior blog posts can refresh your memory on how to view registration appointment times and holds, find 1-2-credit classes, check your position on a waiting list, use Vergil to search for open classes, request permission for over 19 credits, or below 12 credits (if appropriate) if this is your last semester. There is also advice if you're trying to register for overlapping classes.

Now is also a good time to review your degree audit and remaining credits. The final exam schedule (I know -- eek!) is already available to help you make winter break travel plans. You’ll be hearing from me regularly in weekly 411 emails -- which will all link back to the blog for more details and links -- and I’m happy to meet with you any time.

I look forward to getting to know you!


All the best,

Dean Grabiner



Walk-In Hours

Senior FAQ: I submitted a form online -- how do I know if it was received, reviewed, or approved?

Did you submit one of the online forms that are available via the Slate for Students website? 

Wondering how to track its progress, i.e. to see if/when it was received, approved, processed, etc.?

Here's how to check.

1. Log into Slate directly or find it on the Barnard Portal under the Academics tab

 2. In the Home tab of Slate, scroll down to the bottom of the page, to Forms Submitted. There you'll see any forms you have submitted and can track them along their route from submitted to approved and processed. The legend below explains any symbols

3. That's it!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Senior FAQ: Do I have to take 12 credits if this is my last semester and I don't need that many credits?


Short answer: POSSIBLY NOT

Longer answer: if you can complete all your major and General Education requirements, as well as 122 credits (121 for transfers) with fewer than 12 credits this semester, and do not have any outstanding incomplete coursework from the past, you may request permission to take a minimum of 9 credits in your final semester. 

To request permission for this option please submit this form beginning the first day of classes, and before the drop deadline: https://slate.barnard.edu/register/final_semester_request

Per the Barnard Catalogue (emphasis added):

As of Spring 2022, in their final semester of enrollment, graduating seniors who need fewer than twelve credits to complete their degree – and who have already completed at least four full-time semesters in academic residence – may be approved to take a minimum of nine credit hours. Because Barnard students are charged a flat rate of tuition per semester, reducing one’s course load to nine credits will not change the tuition owed in the student’s last semester. International students must consult with International Student Services in advance to determine eligibility.  Students who meet this criteria and are approved to be enrolled in nine credits are still eligible to live in Barnard’s residence halls. 

If any student who is not an eligible senior needs to register for fewer than twelve credits for disability-related reasons, they may reach out to CARDS to discuss the reduced course load process at cards@barnard.edu.  


What about the Dean's List? Don't I need to be in 12 letter-graded credits to be considered for that?

Final-semester students who are approved for fewer than 12 credits are eligible for the dean's list if they complete at least 9 credits with the requisite GPA.

I clicked the link for the request form, but I got an error message saying "Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed."

If you're trying to make this request for an upcoming semester, the form will reopen at the start of that semester and you should submit it then.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

How to view your position on waitlists

To view your position on a waitlist for a course, you’ll need to log into SSOL (Student Services Online) using your Columbia UNI and password.

Once you log into SSOL, click on the “Registration” link on the home screen under the Academic Records section of the Your Data tab.

From there, click the “Continue with Fall 2024 Registration” button on the following screen.

You will be taken to a screen with both classes you are currently registered for and classes you are on the waitlist for. On SSOL, classes under the “Fall 2024 classes” refer to classes you are registered for and classes under the “Fall 2024 Wish List” refer to classes you’re on the waitlist for.

When you’re on the waitlist for a class, SSOL will tell you either your position on the waitlist or it will say “Pending Approval.”

If a class gives you your position on the waitlist, this indicates that the waitlist is automatic. This means that the waitlist for the class is managed by the online registration services. If a person drops the class, the student who is in position 1 on the waitlist will automatically be added to the class.

If a course says “Pending Approval” under the waitlist, this means that the professor for the course is self-managing the waiting list. Rather than students automatically getting into the class from the waitlist, the professor is individually reviewing students for admittance to the class.

Hold preventing you from adding/dropping courses? Want to know when ALL of your upcoming registration times are? Here's how to find out and address this

If you logged into Student Planning and got a red pop-up telling you a hold is preventing you from adding/dropping,

you should contact the office that has placed the hold to address it ASAP (even if you don't need to register/add/drop right now, this is still a problem that needs to be resolved before it causes you any future issues!).

You can find out where any holds are coming from via the Barnard Portal, which will take you to the relevant Slate page as follows:

1. Log into the portal

2. Hover your mouse over Academics
3. Then hover over Planning Your Courses
4. Then click Registration Appointment & Holds.  
5. This will take you to a Slate page which may ask you to log in with your Columbia UNI before opening. Here you will see any holds as well as a link to a list of all upcoming registration times (more comprehensive than what you see in Student Planning, which just shows your next time, and shows nothing if you log in during a reg time):


Need an extra credit or two this fall? Here are a few options

Doing that degree-audit arithmetic and need one or two more credits?

If you're having trouble getting up to the number of credits you need and are looking for a 1-2-credit course to add, here are some options and tips. While it is too late to add many of these, several of the short courses at the School of International and Public Affairs or in Computer Science may not have started yet.

**Be sure to check course descriptions for special registration procedures or necessary permissions.

Know of something that's not on here? Email SeniorClassDean@barnard.edu, and we'll add it!

1-2 credit course options:

How to search Vergil for classes with open seats or other relevant criteria

Columbia has launched an updated Course Search in Vergil, which Barnard students can also use. 

The tool has similar search criteria as Student Planning, including the ability to look for classes that satisfy Barnard General Education (Foundations) requirements, classes with a particular number of credits, etc. 

NOTE ON FOUNDATIONS REQS: for Barnard requirements, be sure to cross reference anything found here with the Slate listing of courses approved for Foundations requirements.

It also has the option to “Only show classes with open seats” in the search results. 

You can also filter by term, number of credits, Foundations designation (again confirm this with the Barnard page!), course number, and more!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Pack your Passport! What to Bring to Barnard if you Plan to Work this Fall

Whether you’re planning to work in a campus role, a paid internship, or off-campus at the local coffee shop, all new employees are required to complete a federal form called the I-9 within three days of being hired. This form is completed in two parts, including presenting both identity and work authorization documents in-person.

Which documents can you present? A passport is easiest, but you can also present specific combinations of documents that prove both your identity and your authorization to work legally in the US. Click here to view acceptable documents, but please note - they must be originals, not copies. Add these documents to your packing list, and you’ll be all set!