Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Additional celebratory commencement event: Baccalaureate service this Sunday

This Sunday, May 12th, is the first of many graduation-related celebrations: Baccalaureate 

What/when/where is it???

is a multifaith service celebrating the completion of each undergraduate's academic career.  It is a rare opportunity this year to be on Columbia's campus with students from all of Columbia's undergraduate schools.  Barnard students who register using the link on the Baccalaureate website by the Friday, May 10 deadline will be admitted with their BCID to the Columbia campus to attend this event on Sunday. Featured speakers will include fellow Barnard students.

When & Where?
Sunday morning, May 12, Saint Paul's Chapel. You will assemble in your regalia in advance and process in together, led by Dean Grabiner -- everyone who RSVPs will receive detailed information.

Who can go to Baccalaureate?
Graduates in regalia who RSVP by Friday and arrive in plenty of time with BCID on Sunday morning.
If you don't RSVP in time, you can watch the livestream on the Baccalaureate website.

It's a very beautiful interfaith event.